Friday, March 8, 2013

SWOT and STEEPV analyses

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and STEEPV (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental/Ecological, Political and Value-based issues) are analyses, which help to identify and classify factors that have, or may have, an impact on the evolution of an organisation, an enterprise or a region.

Both analyses involve collection and portrayal of information on internal and external factors. SWOT generally provides a list of an organisation's strengths and weaknesses as indicated by an analysis of its resources and capabilities. This information is supplemented with a list of threats and opportunities that an analysis of its environment identifies. STEEPV in turn enables to categorise all factors into the above mentioned thematic groups.

Both analyses provide an overview of the most important issues that have to be taken into account while elaborating strategic plans for an organisation or conducting a Foresight exercise. Whereas SWOT analyses more deal with short-term issues, STEEPV analyses are future-oriented, and consider possible future factors of change and developments in a broader thematic context.

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